Films too light.
1. Check chemicals as follows:
a) Chemicals exhausted - replace with fresh.
b) Chemicals contaminated - clean machine, replace
chemicals with fresh solutions.
c) Chemical level in tanks too low - top up.
d) Temperature of chemical(s) too low, (check with a
thermometer) - below 27°C (81 °F) - call for service.
2. Check films have been exposed correctly.
Films dirty or marked.
1. Check water. Clean tank thoroughly and change water.
2. Check transport modules are being cleaned correctly
(see cleaning instructions).
3. Check chemical level in both tanks and top up as required.
4. Check modules for correct positioning. When found in incorrect
order, contamination will have occurred. Thoroughly wash and
replace with fresh chemicals.
5. Check for stray light entering machine - proceed as for fogging
(see above).
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