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The energy recovery units effectively work at the temperatures between -20
°C and +40°C at the relative
humidity 80%. The unit is not applicable for the corrosive conditions. For different working conditions, please
contact with VENCO.
If there is no frost protection on the unit and the outside temperature is less than -20
°C, the unit must be
stopped and you should contact with VENCO. The condense water can be frozen at the temperature less than
°C and it can damage the exchanger.
All energy recovery units by manufactured VENCO are controlled and tested according to the standards before
the transportation.
During transportation, lifting and landing, heat recovery units are damaged especially due to wrong methods
usage. Appropriate lifting methods should be used in order to minimize any possible damage. Transpallet or
forklift can be used for lifting or transporting small units. Lifting and transportation should be done with trained
and experienced personnel and security precautions should be taken to prevent the unit to fall over or slide.
During lifting and transportation of the unit, nobody should stay under the unit or in the front of the unit (Figure
Figure 5.1. Lifting Schema
During Storage; energy recovery units have to be kept in a closed area where the energy should be between
– 20 ºC and + 40 ºC and relative humidity should not exceed 80%. Also the unit should be kept away from
dust, gas, corrosive streams and effects causing corrosion.
During Installation; EN 60204-1 rules should be implemented during the final assembly. Before the installing
of energy recovery units, customers should control whether weight and dimensions of the stations are suitable
for the places from where stations will pass through and assembly will be carried out. There should be sufficient
amount of place around the unit to be able to give service and for piping connections. Energy recovery units
should be assembled onto a hard and flat base.
Damages due to wrong transportation-storage-installation are not covered under warranty.