Main Menu Buttons -
3rd Stage Deadband
4th Stage Deadband
1st Stage Deadband
(1 - 6 deg. F)
2nd Stage Deadband
2nd Stage Deadband
2nd Stage Timer
(2mins )
2nd Stage Turnoff Point
(Deadband )
Deadband or Setpoint.
Number of degrees past 1st stage before 2nd stage turns on. (0 - 10 deg. F)
Number of minutes past 1st stage before 2nd stage turns on. (0 - 60 mins.)
The 3rd and 4th stage
deadband settings have
the same adjustable steps
as 2nd stage deadband.
Timers & Deadbands
Installation Settings
(The 2nd stage deadband must also be met)
The Deadband is the number of degrees or minutes that the
thermostat waits before it initiates the stages of heating or cooling.
1st Stage Deadband Specifies the minimum temperature difference
between the room temperature and the desired setpoint before the first stage
of heating or cooling is allowed to turn on. For example, if the heat
setpoint is 68 and the 1st Stage deadband is set to 2 degrees, the room
temperature will need to drop to 66 degrees before the heat turns on.
Compressor Min OFF Time
None, 1 minute, or 5 minutes.
Min Heat/Cool Difference
The minimum gap between Heat and Cool setpoints. (0 - 6 deg. F)