3.0 Installation
1. The HR300 unit can be installed in conjunction
with a number of controllers.
The VCON6 controller can be
used to provide Off/Low/Normal/Boost/Sensor
control. (The HS6 humidistat or TIM2 over-run
timer can be used in conjunction with the VCON6
controller to provide automatic control.
150VA (
The 150VA transformer,
when used with a trickle/boost switch (455213),
allows for a trickle and boost speed to be
selected. Only terminals providing 140V or
higher should be used as the unit will not
operate reliably bellow 140V.
Ecotronic 1.5A controller (W300310):
Provides variable speed control and on off and
auto (sensor) modes.
The TIM2 is an overrun timer
which can also be used to control the HR200
unit via a remote sensor e.g. Humidity Sensor.
Initial Preparation
1. Select an approved electrical control
arrangement for the HR300 unit (above).
2. After considering the site requirements
(Section 2.0), select a suitable site for the unit
and controllers and work out the cable runs.
Before deciding on the final position
for the unit, check there are no buried cables,
pipes or obstructions on the outside wall.
Cable requirements:
Suitably (Basec or Har)
approved four core cable of appropriate current
carrying capacity.
3. Install the cable runs and appropriate
controllers in conjunction with a fused connection
unit. Contact gap must not be less than 3mm.
4. Working from the inside, mark out the
position of the mounting hole - 280mm wide x
380mm high (see Fixing Template).
5. Carefully cut the holes in the inner and outer
brick courses to form a suitable aperture to
receive the unit. Ensure that this is level.
Bricks will cut more easily and
accurately if a series of holes are drilled close
together along the marked lines.
6. Remove the grille, heat exchanger, from the
unit (Fig. 3).
Heat Exchanger