Bucket Fan (Whisper)
ManuFacturer’s WarrantY
Production meets standard operating requirements in the USA and Canada.
Vents US warrants to the original purchaser of the unit that it will be free from defects in materials or workmanship for a period of
24 months from the date of original purchase. The Vents US warrants to the original purchaser of the unit that the integrated control unit
will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 24 months from the date of original purchase.
there are nO Other Warranties, eXpress Or iMpLieD, incLuDinG, But nOt LiMiteD tO,
iMpLieD Warranties OF MerchantaBiLitY Or Fitness FOr a particuLar purpOse.
During the stated warranty period, Vents US will, at its option, repair or replace, without charge, any product or part which is found to be
defective under normal use and service. This warranty does not cover (a) normal maintenance and normal service or (b) any products
or parts which have been subject to misuse, negligence, accident, improper maintenance or repair (other than by Vents US), faulty
installation or installation contrary to recommended installation instructions. Labor to remove and replace products is not covered. The
duration of any implied warranty is limited to the time period specified for the express warranty. Some states do not allow limitations on
how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitation may not apply to you.
Vents us OBLiGatiOn tO repair Or repLace, at Vents us OptiOn, shaLL Be the purchaser’s sOLe anD eXcLusiVe
reMeDY unDer this WarrantY. Vents us shaLL nOt Be LiaBLe FOr inciDentaL, cOnseQuentiaL Or speciaL
DaMaGes arisinG Out OF Or in cOnnectiOn With prODuct use Or perFOrMance.
Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitations of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may
not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. This
warranty supersedes all prior warranties. If proof of sales date is absent, warranty period is calculated from the production date. The unit
can be exchanged at the following address:
400 Murray Road, Cincinnati, OH 45217, USA
Tel: 1-888-640-0925, 513-583-5786, Fax: 513-268-4597
E-mail: support@ventsus.com
Please follow guidelines in this manual for product problem-free operation.
FOLLOWinG the reGuLatiOns stipuLateD herein WiLL ensure a LOnG anD
trOuBLe-Free OperatiOn OF the unit.
user’s WarrantY cLaiMs shaLL Be suBJect tO reVieW OnLY upOn
presentatiOn OF the unit, the paYMent DOcuMent anD the user’s ManuaL
With the purchase Date staMp.