2.0 Installation
Ensure that the product is placed in such a way that it can be quickly switched off or
disconnected from the electrical supply.
The product is typically used for sulphur and chlorine test in accordance with BS1016
parts 6 & 7, ASTM D 3177-75; ISO 351 & 609.
Please refer to the appropriate documentation.
This manual only gives general guidance common to tube products.
Fit any work tube(s) ordered into place. If a metal work tube is being used in the
product, ensure that it is earthed and that it is mounted so as not to touch the products
ceramic tube or insulation.
Under no circumstances should any objects be placed on top of the product.
Always ensure that any vents on the top of the product are clear of any
obstruction. Always ensure all cooling vents and cooling fans (if fitted) are
clear of any obstruction.
Electrical Connections
Connection by a qualified electrician is recommended.