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Basket (birdcage) deformation occurs when there is a difference in length between the rope core and outer strands.
Ropes with basket deformation shall be discarded immediately.
Discard criteria: Protrusion of rope parts
Ropes in which there is a protrusion of core, strand, or group of wires shall be
discarded immediately.
Discard criteria: Loose outer strands
If outer strand of the rope has gaps when there is no load on the rope, the rope
shall be discarded immediately.
The outer strands of the rope shall be tight when there is no load (drawing B) on the rope. When standard or
heavy-duty ropes are under load, there can be small visible gaps between the outer strands (C). If these gaps do
not close when the load is released, the rope shall be discarded (drawing A).
Discard criteria: Kinks
If there is a loop in the rope, the rope must be able to turn around its axis when it is tightened, otherwise a kink
forms into the rope.
Kinked ropes shall be discarded immediately.