KHLDV Series Gas Fireplace
LoG pLaceMent
rocK wooL pLaceMent -
600 SerIeS
Place rock wool evenly in dime-sized pieces over
front burner both in front and behind grate. For the
rear burner, place the rock wool only on the carry-
over areas between the flames. To better enable
the gas to permeate the rock wool, apply the rock
wool in light, fluffy pieces.
LG918 600 embers
600 Log #1
LoG pLaceMent -
600 SerIeS
1. Hold log #1 with the key to the top
and to the right side of center and
the notches on the bottom. Place the
log with the notches over the side
supports of the grate, in front of the
flame bracket on the left and with the
small notch in the lower, right front
of the log resting on the back of the
right tine of the grate.
600 Log #2
2. Hold log #2 with the holes for the pin in
the back and notches toward the front
on the bottom. Position the log on the
pin provided on the back right corner of
the grate fixture while placing the notch
on the key provided on the right side of
log #1.