NOTE: This forwards all authentication requests to the DSView™ server.
5.6.3 User Target Access
After creating or modifying a user, click the username and then select the
Target Access
tab to manage targets for that
user. Managed targets are displayed in the column on the left. Available targets are displayed in the column on the right. If
a filter is applied, only the targets matching the filter name will be displayed. If groups are defined, you can choose to
display targets by group.
To add a managed target:
From the Available column, browse to the target(s) you want to manage and click the left arrow to add it to the
managed targets.
To remove a managed target:
From the Managed Targets column, browse to the target(s) you want to remove and click the right arrow to
remove it from the managed targets.
5.6.4 User Target Rights
After creating or modifying a user and assigning that user target access, select the username and then click the
tab to manage target rights.
To manage target rights:
Under Managed Targets, click the target for which you want to manage rights.
Check the appropriate box to either allow or deny general access rights.
For serial targets, use the drop-down menu to select the session access and check the box(es) to kill a multi-
session or for multiple-session notification.
4. Click
5.6.5 Groups
User groups are given access and authorizations either by default or as assigned by an administrator. Administrators can
alter the permissions and access rights of users belonging to the Power User or User groups or create additional groups with
custom permissions and access rights. Administrators can add, delete or modify permissions and access rights for users
from any group at any time.
For example, if an administrator configures the appliance to restrict user access to a target, the administrator can assign
users to groups that are authorized for specific target access. The administrator can also authorize groups for power
management and data buffer management.
This document and the software refer to users whose accounts are configured on remote authentication servers as remote
users. Remote users do not need local accounts.
LDAP authentication services allow group configuration. If a remote user is configured as a member of a remote group, the
authentication server provides the group name to the appliance when it authenticates the user. A local group by the same
name must also be configured on the appliance. If an authentication server authenticates a remote user but does not return
a group, then the remote user is, by default, assigned to the user group.
Managing user groups
Administrators can create custom user groups that contain any users. Permissions and access for custom user groups will be
determined by the top-level user group permissions.
To add or modify a user group:
From the sidebar, click
Users - Groups
to create a new user group. The Create User Group screen appears. Enter the new user group name
and use the drop-down menu to define the user group role (User, Power-User or Admin).
| Avocent® Universal Management Gateway Appliance Installer/User Guide |