C h apter 2 M ech an ical In stallation 17
L iebert E X S 30 kV A A n d 4 0 kV A U P S U ser M an ual
In itial In sp ection
B efore installing the U P S, carry out the follow ing inspections:
1. E nsure that the environm ent of the U PS equipm ent room m eets the environm ental requirem ent specified
in the product technical specifications, especially the am bient tem perature, ventilation conditions, and the
dust situations.
2. U npack the U P S and battery under the g uidance of authorized service engineer. V isually inspect w hether
the U P S and battery have any transportation dam ag e. If there is any dam ag e, report to the carrier
im m ediately.
3. V erify the U P S label and confirm the correctness of the U P S. T he U P S label is attached on the back of the
door. T he m odel, capacity and m ain param eters of the U P S are m arked on the label.
E n viron m en tal R eq uirem en ts
U P S R o o m
T he U P S should be located in a cool, dry, clean-air indoor environm ent w ith adequate ventilation, and
should be located on concrete or other nonflam m able and flat surfaces. T he am bient environm ent should
be free of conductive pow der (such as m etallic pow der, sulfide, sulfur dioxide, g raphite, carbon fiber,
conductive fiber, etc.), acid m ist or other conductive m edia (strong ly ionized substances). T he environm ent
specifications should com ply w ith relevant international standard & specifications and the operating range
specified in this m anual.
T he U P S uses forced cooling by internal fans. C ooling air enters the U P S throug h the ventilation g rills at the
front of the cabinet and exhausted throug h the ventilation grills at the back of the cabinet. D o not obstruct
the ventilation holes (ventilation g rills). T he front and rear of the U PS should be kept a distance at least
50 0 m m (see Fig ure 2-5) from the w all to avoid blocking the U P S heat dissipation, thus reducing the U P S
internal tem perature and im proving the U P S life.
If necessary, install indoor extractor fans to aid cooling-air flow to avoid room tem perature buildup. A ir
filters should be used w hen the U P S is to operate in a dirty environm ent.