Special Declaration
P erso n n el S a fety
1. T his product m ust be installed and com m issioned by professional eng ineers of the m anufacturer or
its authorized agent. Failure to observe this could result in product m alfunction or personnel safety risk.
2. T ake the tim e to read this product m anual and the safety precaution thoroug hly before installing and
com m issioning this product. Failure to observe this could result in product m alfunction or personnel
safety risk.
3. T his product is not intended for life support equipm ent application.
4 . N ever dispose of the internal or external battery of this product in a fire, as it m ay explode and
jeopardize personnel safety w hen exposed to flam e.
P rod uct S afety
1. If this product w ill be stored or rem ain de-energized for a long period, it m ust be placed in a dry and
clean environm ent w ithin specified tem perature range.
2. T his product should be used in an appropriate operating environm ent. For details, refer to the
section on the environm ental requirem ent in this m anual.
3. T his product is not designed for application in an environm ent:
W here the tem perature and relative hum idity are outside the specif ications
Subject to vibrations or shocks
W here conductive dusts, corro sive gases, salts, or flam m able g ases are present
N ear heat sources or strong electrom ag netic interference s
D isclaim er
V ertiv disclaim s any and all responsibility or liability for the defects or m alfunction caused by:
A pplication rang e or operating environm ent outside the specif ications
U nauthorized m odif ication, im proper installation or operation
Force m ajeure
O ther actions not in com pliance w ith the instructions in this m anual