VTS 256
Recharching refrigerant from a service bottle
The recharging shall take place in a room where the ambient temperature is between 20 and 25 C.
1. The service bottle shall have ambient temperature, i.e. between 20 and 25°C.
2. The service bottle is turned upside down as shown in the picture.
3. If you have the possibility to measure the weight of the bottle before you start recharching, it is useful to
determine when the charge is sufficiently.
4. The system of the VTS256 shall be evacuated thoroughly.
5. Connect the bottle to the system.
6. The valve shall only be opened a little (please see the 2 blue lines (A and B) on the walve wheel on the picture.
At line
, the valve is closed and then just turn it to line
7. Let the valve be opened for 5 minutes, then open it fully and after ½ a minute closed it again.
8. Start the compressor and let it run for 10 minutes.
9. Check that the bottle, especially the valve on the bottle has ambient temperature. If the temperature is too cold
after 10 minutes, then stop the compressor.
10. When the valve has reached the ambient temperature, then start the compressor and let it run for 1-2 minutes.
Then open the valve slowly up to full open and then close it slowly again.
11. Stop the compressor. Waite until the valve on the bottle again has the ambient temperature.
12. Repeat 10 again. I.e Start the compressor for 1-2 minutes. Then open the valve slowly up to full open and then
close it slowly again.
13. Now the system normally is recharged. If you have the possibility to weigh the bottle, then the charge is ok if
you have charged minimum 164 gram into the system.
14. If you have charged less than 164 gram then repeat 10 once more.
If you start the compressor at point 8 with the valve open, then you can ruin the compressor.
Change the supplied dry filter when changing the refrigerant!
8181.115 rev 01