Adjusting Your Gym Ball
for the Perfect Fit
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Perform a simple test to
verify the fit: If the gym ball
has been inflated correctly,
there will be a 90 degree
angle between your hips
and knees when seated
on the ball with your feet
flat on the floor. To adjust
the size - add or release air
without exceeding the ball’s
maximum size. When you
reach the 90 degree angle,
the ball is at the correct
inflation level.
Inflate the ball to
the 80% mark on
the tape. Take
out the pump
and quickly insert
the stopper and
push it in to stop
air escaping.
Leave for 24
hours for the
ball to stretch
and loosen up.
Remove the
stopper using the
included stopper
removal tool.
Pump the ball
up to its target
size. Reinsert the