’s Manual Victory WC-8H
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Version 2.0
M A N DA T O R Y :
Always replace stickers that come loose, also markings or numbers that
are damaged or removed from the equipment.
If stickers or markings have become illegible, this always leads to the
disapproval of the machine.
Wearing Parts
Wearing parts are parts that usually wear out first. The degree of wear is directly proportional to
the application frequency. Usually, these parts are economically and technically challenging to
repair. Often these are universal purchase parts such as knives, bearings, bushings, etc.
For the reliable operation of a tool, it is essential that wearing parts are of high quality. It is also
helpful that a service organization responds to failure situations and unexpected material needs.
Wear parts are permanently excluded from the warranty.
Wearing parts for the WC-8H Woodchipper:
Knives set; 2 Flywheel knives, Bed
counter knife, including fasteners.
Hydraulic oil filter.
Always use new nuts with nylon lockings
when replacing knives.
List of Consumables
46 HM Hydraulic oil.
Lithium grease; Grade Type II.