RS-232/422: Videonics Part No.: CBLA-0042-01
A 9-pin to 25-pin converter is also needed for RS-232, plus a null modem for RS-232 except Panasonic.
They are available at computer parts stores.
8-pin DIN RS-232/422 DB-9
Infrared Wand: Videonics Part No.: ASYS-0004-03
2-conductor mini IR wand
COMPUTER RS-232C for Personal Computers
A standard RS-232 serial communication cable is used to connect a PC to Edit Suite. The computer end
of the cable may be a DB-9 or a DB-25. These are available at most computer parts stores.
RS-232C DB-9 RS-232C DB-9
COMPUTER RS-232C for Macintosh Computers
A standard RS-232 serial communication cable is used to connect a Macintosh to Edit Suite. The cable
is an 8-pin DIN to a DB-9. These are available at most computer parts stores. The Videonics RS-
232/422 cable (CBLA-0042-01) may also be used.
8-pin DIN RS-232C DB-9