Call Recorder PRI manual © 2009-2014 Vidicode®
Insert CryptoCard into Call Recorder
NOTE: This
This CryproCard shou
CryproCard shou
CryproCard shou
CryproCard should always be inserted by your dealer. If you
ld always be inserted by your dealer. If you
ld always be inserted by your dealer. If you
ld always be inserted by your dealer. If you
open the Call Recorders housing
open the Call Recorders housing
open the Call Recorders housing
open the Call Recorders housing yourself, you forsake your warrenty.
yourself, you forsake your warrenty.
yourself, you forsake your warrenty.
yourself, you forsake your warrenty.
First unpl
First unpl
First unpl
First unplug the powercord as there are
ug the powercord as there are
ug the powercord as there are
ug the powercord as there are dangerous voltages inside
dangerous voltages inside
dangerous voltages inside
dangerous voltages inside!!!!
Unscrew and lift the top of the enclosure as shown in the schematic
figure below. Locate the chipcard holder in the top righthandside and
insert the card in the proper orientation as shown.