13. Close the fill and drain valves (d) (c).
14. Put the check valves into operating position by turning
the ball valves (a) (b) to position 0° (see page 10).
15. Connect the controller to the power supply. Set the
solar circuit pump in the manual mode to ON.
16. Let the solar circuit pump run at maximum rotation
speed for at least 15 minutes.
17. If necessary, increase the system pressure to the
final fill pressure again.
18. Remove the hoses of the flush and fill station and
screw the sealing caps onto the fill and drain valves.
The sealing caps only serve to protect the valves
against dirt. They are not designed to take up high
system pressures, the valves must be closed.
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Fig. 13 Fill and drain valve positions after start-up
After commissioning, vent the solar system daily and then
weekly or monthly, depending on the vented air quantity.
Thus, an optimum operation of the solar installation is
ensured. Check the system pressure after venting and
increase it to the specified operating pressure, if necessary.
Open the vent plug carefully. The escaping medium can
have a temperature of more than 212° F (100° C) and
cause scalding.
The air-scoop with manual vent valve (shown as (j) on
page 7) is used to vent the solar system. To ensure perfect
deaeration of the solar loop, the flow velocity must be at
least 0.3 m/s in the flow line.
Pipe diameter
Min. flow rate at 0.3 m/s
(US gpm)
Fig. 14 Cutaway of air-scoop
Refer to the separate instruction regarding
the controller
Flushing the heat exchanger