11. Configuring and checking alarms
This paragraph explains how to set alarms managed by the timer-thermostat and signalled to the By-clima
applications paired with it.
In particular, the device can be enabled for generating and then signalling the following alarm categories:
• Thresholds crossed by the regulated temperature.
• Thresholds crossed by the temperature measured by the auxiliary sensor.
• Limiter tripping.
11.1 Temperatures and control conditions on the regulated temperature
The temperature sensor used for temperature control (whether it is built into the device or the auxiliary
one, if so configured) can be monitored in order to generate alarm notifications on crossing set thresholds
for conditions both under and over the temperature.
The disappearance of the alarm condition takes account of the set hysteresis and is in turn signalled by
the device.
The By-clima applications paired with the timer-thermostat can receive the set threshold crossing events
in two ways:
• directly, if they were connected to the timer-thermostat when the event occurred;
• indirectly, through push notifications, if the cloud functionality is enabled on the timer-thermostat.
Value range
Enable under-temperature/
over-temperature alarm
Enables monitoring and thus potentially generating
the corresponding alarms
- ON
Temperature control probe
lower temperature threshold
Threshold that when crossed generates a tem-
perature control probe under-temperature alarm
Temperature control probe
upper temperature threshold
Threshold that when crossed generates a tem-
perature control probe over-temperature alarm
Temperature alarm reset hys-
teresis (DTA)
Hysteresis used for automatically restoring the
temperature alarm condition
11.2 Temperatures and control conditions on the temperature of the auxiliary probe
The auxiliary temperature sensor (if configured on limitation or viewing) can be monitored in order to gen-
erate alarm notifications on crossing set thresholds for conditions both under and over the temperature.
The disappearance of the alarm condition takes account of the set hysteresis and is in turn signalled by
the device.
The By-clima applications paired with the timer-thermostat can receive the set threshold crossing events
in two ways:
• directly, if they were connected to the timer-thermostat when the event occurred;
• indirectly, through push notifications, if the cloud functionality is enabled on the timer-thermostat.