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Instructions: W Series Frame Standoff Bracket


 For detailed instructions installing the included 

or any additional Base Plate, refer to specific product’s 


3. Cut the Frame:

 Using a reciprocating saw, band 

saw, or hack saw with the appropriate blade; squarely 

cut both legs of the frame at the marks from Step 2 (Fig-

ure D). With a metal file, carefully remove any resulting 

burrs from the cuts.


 An abrasive cut-off saw should not be used, as 

the heat generated is likely to damage the finish of the 

W Series Frame. 

5. Insert the mounting plates

Slide the C-channels of the Standoff Brackets into the 

the open end of frame, ensuring that it is seated flush 

against the horizontal plate. Then, install the wall 

brackets and secure both sets with a self-drilling screw 

through the side of the frame.

4. Attach the Racks:

 Secure the W Series racks 

and/or W Series Frame Backer Bar to the front and 

back faces (Figure D), ensuring that the coupled joint 

of the frame is spanned by the back strip of a W Se-

ries rack or a backer bar and that the rack or backer 

bar spanning the joint is screwed into both the upper 

and lower sections of the frame.

6. Install the frame

Position the assembled frame, ensuring it is plumb 

both front to back and side to side using a level, and 

fasten at the top through all available mounting holes 

(Figure F). Mounting hardware from your W Series 

wine rack works great for this. Then, secure the bot-

tom of the frame through the holes in the mounting 


Figure C

Figure D

Figure F

Figure E
