Angle 5
°- 15°
Not enough angle
Angle more than 20
Good level of control over the
weld pool, even flat weld
Less control over the weld pool
More spatter
Poor control, unstable arc, less
penetration, lots of spatter
Correct angle
Not enough angle
Too much angle
Good level of control over the
weld pool, even flat weld
Less control over the weld pool
more spatter
Poor control, unstable arc, less
penetration, lots of spatter
Normal stick out
Too short
Too long
Even arc, good penetration
even fusion, good finish
Unstable arc, spatter, over
heat contact tip
Unstable arc, spatter, poor
penetration and fusion
Travel Angle
Travel angle is the right to left angle relative to the direction of welding. A travel angle of 5°- 15° is ideal and produces a good level of control over the
weld pool. A travel angle greater that 20° will give an unstable arc condition with poor weld metal transfer, less penetration, high levels of spatter, poor
gas shield and poor quality finished weld.
Angle to Work
The work angle is the forward back angle of the gun relative to the work piece.
The correct work angle provides good bead shape, prevents undercut, uneven penetration, poor gas shield and poor quality finished weld.
Stick Out
Stick out is the length of the unmelted wire protruding from the end of the contact tip.
A constant even stick out of 5-10mm will produce a stable arc, and an even current flow providing good penetration and even fusion. Too short stick out
will cause an unstable weld pool, produce spatter and over heat the contact tip. Too long stick out will cause an unstable arc, lack of penetration, lack of
fusion and increase spatter.