deleted by the HDD/SD overwrite function in the retention days. When the retention day
is expired, the locked files will be unlocked automatically and deleted. Locked recording
file save time can be configured to be 7, 10, 15, 20, 30, 45 days. During the retention
time, the locked recording files won
t be deleted. Once pass lock time, the recording file
LOCK identifier will be from L to U, and then can be deleted automatically by overwrite
: ON/OFF, ON means open the function of pre-recording, OFF means not. If the user
need to setup pre-recording function, the user must open this switch and also setup the time for
pre-recording in this menu as well.
Pre-record time setting is from 1 to 60 minutes. For example: If the setting for
pre-record is 30min, when alarm is triggered at 10:30, then the record file
starting from 10:00 to 10:30 will be packed as one alarm file.
There are 2 options for the INTERNALand EXTERNAL. INTERNAL is used for the internal
mirror recording SD card. If the MDVR connects external fireproof box for mirror recording
then the user should select EXTERNAL option. Mirror recording means that the hard disk
and SD card can record at the same time with same frame, same resolution, same
image quality. The main purpose for mirror recording is: when the hard disk is broken (like
accident happens) the user can still get the video files in the last minute from the SD card.
MDVR can provide 2 kinds of mirror recording internal and external. Internal
means that we have
the SD card slot inside of MDVR device and the user just need to
insert the SD card in the slot on the MDVR device and ENABLE the switch for mirror on
recording the MDVR GUI menu. External symbolizes that the user needs to buy the fireproof
box (SD card inside) from ViPRO in case the vehicle is on fire. This fireproof box is specially
designed for the vehicle accident (like fire) and the maximum temperature can be 500
Celsus degree (can last 15 minutes)
The enable switch for mirror recording
User's Manual
MVR-310-GUI | v1.1 | 2014.01
Mobile DVR MVR-310
ViPRO Corporation