Virginia Controls, LLC
MH-3000 User Manual, 1_03C10-VC
Page 17
NOTE: If 2000 (or later) Code and the MH5 board is provided, then the
controller is expecting terminal 3 to go low when the Inspection Run Buttons
are not being pressed. If a temporary run station is being used that is not
wired as shown on the schematics, then the controller will show a fault if
terminal 3 does not go low when the car stops. The redundancy fault can be
temporarily defeated by turning Switch 3 on the CPU Slide Switch S2 to the
ON position. This will also turn on the Fire Buzzer output, as a reminder to
turn off the defeat when the car is ready for full operation.
Floor Position and Slowdown
The program is in EPROM (Electrically Programmable Read Only Memory). The floor
relays and fire service relays are maintained in the microprocessor RAM memory and are
held through power loss by a battery on the CPU board. The floor relays may need to be
reset when the controller is initially installed. This will be accomplished when the elevator
hits any floor switch. With a pulsing type selector, the floor position is reset at either
terminal landing when a slowdown switch and a leveling switch are energized at the same
NOTE: If floor switches are used, they should be maintained at the terminal
landings, so that they are energized whenever the car is in the slowdown
zone at that landing.
Make your final adjustments for the slowdown targets. All slowdown distances should be
If a pulsing selector arrangement is used, remember to install the reset targets at the
terminal landings.
Position Indicators
Verify that the floor position changes properly as the car goes past each landing. Floor
change should take place at the slowdown point before each landing.
If the Position Indicator does not match the actual car position, run the car to a terminal
landing reset target (with pulsing selector only).
Independent Service
Independent Service is useful for final tune-up of the car. Initiate Independent Service
by turning on the Independent Service Switch in the car, or by jumping the Independent
Service Switch input.
On Independent Service, the hall calls will be canceled. The car will run from car calls
only, and will park with the doors open. To close the doors, jump terminal 1 to terminal 28
("Door Close Button" input). This jumper may be left on, if desired, so that the car may be
run by jumping the desired car call input.