Virginia Controls, LLC
MH-3000 User Manual, 1_03C10-VC
Page 84
One Second Timers
The following settings are for timers. The timer values are in seconds.
Shutdown Time
(in seconds) - (Display shows "SHUTDOWN TIME") If the car runs up
without passing a floor for this time, then shutdown will be initiated. The car will stop,
and run down to the bottom landing, and cycle its doors. It will then be shut down. The
car can be returned to service by cycling the Inspection Switch, or the Main Line
Disconnect Sw. The normal setting is 25 seconds.
Door Nudging Time
(in seconds) - (Display shows "NUDGING TIME") This is the time
delay before initiating door close nudging, if that feature is provided. A call must be
registered, and the car must be in automatic operation. The timer is reset when the
doors get fully closed, or when the car starts a floor to floor run. The normal setting is
25 seconds.
Electric Eye Cutout Time
(in seconds) - (Display shows "EYE CUTOUT TIME") This is
the time delay before cutting out the Electric Eye Input, after it has been continuously
energized. It is reset when the car runs to the next floor. The normal setting is 20
Homing Delay Time
(in seconds) - (Display shows "HOMING DELAY") This is the delay
before homing a car to the home landing, after it has answered all calls, and is sitting
with its doors closed. The normal setting is 10 seconds.
Car Stuck Time
(in seconds) - (Display shows "CAR STUCK TIME") This is the time
delay before calls at the same landing as the car are disabled, so that the car can
answer other registered calls. This operates as a stuck button timer. The normal
setting is 15 seconds.
Door Stuck Time
(in seconds) - (Display shows "DOOR STUCK TIME") This is the time
delay before stopping a door open or close cycle. The normal setting is 20 seconds
Door Stuck Reset Time
(in seconds) - (Display shows "DOOR RESET TIME") This is
the time that the doors are held open after failing to close properly, before retrying to
close. The normal setting is 10 seconds.
Delay Before Canceling Independent Service on Fire Service
- (Display shows
"KILL IDS ON EFS1") This is the time delay before Independent Service is cut out, when
Fire Service Phase 1 is initiated. This feature can be modified by the Bit Features
described above that determine if and when Independent Service is cut out on Fire
Service. The normal setting is 30 seconds.
Door Close Delay Time on Fire Service
(in seconds) - (Display shows "DR CLOSE ON
FIRE") This is the delay before closing the doors after the car has returned to the
designated fire landing and the car is in shutdown. This is required on 2000 (or later)
Fire Code. The normal setting is 30 seconds.
Call Help Time
(DUPLEX AND GROUP DISPATCHER ONLY) (in seconds) - (Display
shows "CALL HELP TIME") This is the amount of time a hall call can be registered before
the other car not assigned this call will respond to the call. The normal setting is 30
Non Interference Time
(SAPB ONLY) (in seconds) -
(Display shows “NON
INTERFERENCE”) This is the time
that the In Use Light will remain on after the car has
answered a call and cycled its doors. Hall Call Buttons will be disabled during this time.
The normal setting is 6 seconds.