40° Flaps:
155 mph IAS
10° Flaps:
180 mph IAS
Lowering landing gear:
155 mph IAS
41,000lbs GW:
355 mph IAS
56,000lbs GW:
275 mph IAS
Min A/P speed:
155 mph IAS
Turbulent air penetration: 150 mph IAS
The B-24 has an 8° flap setting intended for cruise flight. At altitudes at
or exceeding 25,000ft and airspeeds at or below 155 mph, it is
recommended that flaps 8° be used to reduce the cruise pitch. This flap
setting increases lift without seriously degrading the wing’ s drag profile.
Flying with this flap setting above 170 mph, however, may create a
ballooning effect so it is advised to only use this setting during cruise.
Virtavia B-24 Liberator
Manual Version FSX 2.0