- Turn off the engine and remove the key from ignition.
- Check if the SD card is inserted into the unit.
- Turn on the engine.
- When the engine is turned on, the system starts with the program installed in the SD card
and voice notification will be announced.
- The REC and GPS lamps will turn on.
- The REC lamp will turn to blue while blinking.
- The GPS lamp will turn on red before the signal, then turn to blue as receiving the GPS signal.
- The GPS connection may take a couple of seconds to several minutes, depending on where
the vehicle is.
- 3 minutes after start up, LCD will be turned off automatically according to “Auto LCD OFF”
mode in default Setting. (this is a configurable item)
- While the power is on, the normal recording is active and the REC lamp will be blinking blue.
- In normal recording mode, recordings are five minutes in duration and are stored in the
NORMAL folder. If the memory is full while in NORMAL or EVENT recording mode, the
program will erase the oldest recorded data in those folders to allow the saving of new files.
The management is based on First-In First-Out. (FIFO)
- In the case of an impact, the sensors will trigger the event mode. Users are notified by an
alarm. The REC lamp will be red and the recorded data will be saved in the EVENT folder.
- When an impact is registered, the program records 10 seconds prior to the impact and
15~60 seconds after the impact (adjustable in the configuration) as an EVENT file.
- Memory size allocation between EVENT folder and the NORMAL folder can be adjusted in
the configuration. Quality of recording, resolution and sensitivity as well.
- SD memory card storage space divided into two folders, EVENT and NORMAL. When the
capacity in each storage space is full, files are deleted in basis of First In First Out.
- The product starts recording of new data when the EVENT folder is full of shock data.
- The sensitivity you set in configuration affects on the frequency of occurrence of event files
thus the capacity of keeping files not being overwritten can also be adjusted according to
preference in the analyzer.
- When the SHOT button is pressed, the alarm will sound and the recorded data will be saved
in the EVENT folder just like recording on impact.
- The SHOT button can also be used to record scenes of other accidents or great scenery you
may want to save while driving.
Start up
Normal Recording and Event Recording
Manual EVENT Recording
Product Use