The degree value of Hue change the HLS color wheel. The color sequence on the HLS
wheel is counter-clockwise from the red to the purple colors of the rainbow.
The saturation control allows you to adjust the color content of your image. The higher the
saturation level (up to 256), the greater the color intensity. If you adjust the saturation level
to 0 (zero), the image will appear in grayscale mode.
Increasing the sharpness level will bring your image into sharper focus, lessening it will
blur your image. You might adjust the focus from iCAM320 directly. Rotating the circle
around the camera lens for the clearest possible pictures.
White Balance
To adjust color balance, you can do so either manually or select Auto White Balance and
the software automatically corrects the color. To do adjust the settings manually according
to one of the common light sources (incandescent, fluorescent or natural), adjust the
sliders until the image appears to your preference.
Focus adjustment