Qubo Wall P/L
1/2021 (US)
352.7 lbs
264.6 lbs 264.6 lbs
3.4.2 Align on the wall
ATTENTION! The connecting tubes must be twisted
with the assembly tool and positioned properly.
3.4.3 Wall fixing
Please observe the information on the loading
values and ensure that the substructure of the wall
installation and its fastenings can cope with the
expected loads.
The permissible weight load of all accessories:
max. 240 kg
529 lbs
The weight load must be reduced as the height
of the accessories increases.
The correct size and type of anchor fixings must
be used to suit the construction conditions.
Check anchor fixing as specified by manufac-
All mounting points must be used.
3.4 Mounting wall frame
3.4.1 Connecting uprights with connecting tubes