Vitalograph Spirotrac Instructions for Use
IFU Part No.: 07402
Issue 22
Page 12 of 78
3.4.3 Editing a Subject
1. Right click on subject in the subject list on the main screen. Select
Edit Subject
Select subject in the subject list on the main screen. Select
button in the
subject demographics panel.
Select subject in the subject list on the main screen. Select
Edit >Subject
2. The Subject’s information displays. See Creating a Subject for details on fields.
Edit as required.
3. Click
to save the changes. Click
to undo.
Note: If the date of birth, sex, height or population group of the subject is changed,
the predicted values for the subject will recalculate.
3.4.4 Selecting/Viewing a Subject
When a subject is selected, you may perform a test on the subject, view his/her
sessions, select a session for print and/or view his/her trend data.
1. Select the subject in the subject list on the main screen.
2. The corresponding subject demographics appear for that subject, with any
previously modified data appearing in green, and with all his/her sessions
appearing in the lower left panel.
Note: Click on
to expand tree and view sessions.
3. A trend of previous subject’s sessions displays on the lower main panel.
Note: This trend information is configurable. Click Tools > Options > Advanced
>Trending > Manage.
3.4.5 Finding a Subject
A search facility is available above the subject list.
1. Using the radio buttons, select to search by either
Subject ID
Last Name
2. Enter relevant search information in the space provided and select
3. The search arrow will automatically move to the first subject found beginning
with the information entered in the search field.
Note: If no subject with matching Subject ID is found, Spirotrac will search for a
subject with a matching Alternative ID.
3.4.6 Deleting a Subject
1. Select the Subject to be deleted from subject list.
2. Right-click the Subject and select
Delete Subject
3. Select
to delete or
to cancel.
3.4.7 Subject Data Setup
1. Select
Tools > Options
from Main Menu and select
Subject Entry
2. The following may be configured: