Wi-Fi Setup Guide
1. Plug the hub into a power source. The hub will show a red/green light when it is ready
for setup.
2. On your computer, look at the available Wi-Fi networks and connect to the network
named “Vitalhub.” Enter password “hubadmin.” If you do not see the network “Vitalhub,”
then reboot the hub by unplugging and re-plugging into the power source.
3. Next on your computer, go to the website
(You must use Google
Chrome for this step.)
4. Once it loads, you will be taken to a Wi-Fi configuration portal. This screen will allow
you to setup the Wi-Fi connection that the VitalHub will use.
*If your Wi-Fi router does not have open port or your router is not in a
central location to the main living space use the Wi-Fi set up.