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Insert the plug into the wall socket.
Stand the iron upright.
Set the temperature control dial to the correct ironing temperature as indicated
in the ironing instructions or in the table.
The correct temperature has been reached when the indicator light goes out.
The indicator light will go on and off from time to time, indicating that the select-
ed temperature is being maintained.
At any temperature, the laundry can be dampened (fig. 3) by pushing the spray
button (4) a couple of times.
Ensure that there is enough water in the water tank.
Steam-ironing is only possible at higher ironing temperatures:
for moderate steam
or MAX
for maximum steam
Ensure that there is enough water in the water tank.
Stand the iron on its rear side.
Insert the plug into the wall socket.
Set the temperature control dial (1) at the required position within the "steam
area" (oo, ooo or MAX setting.)
Wait a little while for the indicator light (6) to go out to come on again.
Set the steam control dial (3) to the required position (fig. 4), then the steam will
emerge from the vents in the soleplate.
Notes: Water may leak from the Soleplate if too low a temperature has been select-
ed. This will then cause stains. If this happens, set the temperature control to the
advised position. Steaming will recommence as soon as the appropriate temperature
has been reached.
By pressing the steam button (5), an intense "shot" of steam is emitted from the
Soleplate (fig.5). This can be very useful when removing stubborn creases.
The "shot" of steam function can only be used while ironing at a high ironing tem-
perature (positions
••, •••
or MAX ).
This function provides an extra amount of steam to remove wrinkles on delicate gar-
ments in a hanging position, hanging curtains, or other hanging fabrics.
1211.qxd 29.07.2004 15:56 Page 10