If you want to play
To play recorded video from the live screen, move the cursor to the right margin to display the Timeline.
Simply double-click a desired time point the Timeline.
Select a desired channel in the live screen and right-click to select <PLAy> in the context menu. Then, select a
desire play time.
Playback screen configuration
Video Window
Display the current video.
The vertical bar in the timeline indicates the current point of playback. Double-click a desired point in the timeline to start
playing the video from that point.
Click and drag to specify a seleted time period--right-click the selected time range to Export/Archive, Event Search, or to
Reserve Data.
Menu / split-screen selection menu
For more information about how to use each button, refer to "Using the status bar in the live mode". (page 26)
Play Bar
you can start, stop, or change the play speed of the current video.
Video window
Playback channel selection menu
Play Bar
selection menu
Play Time