background image




For long hair (locks)


Beards and moustaches

• Finishing the cut without attachment comb for closing trimming around the 

base of neck, sides and sideboards.

• For straight lines on sideboards and around the ears, hold the cutter at 

right angles to the head, upside down, with the blades in contact with the 
skin, and move it downward.

• Remove  the  attachment  comb  from  the  blades,  and 

comb and untangle the hair.

• Part the hair along a line from ear to ear, holding the front 

with pegs to keep it out of the way (Fig. 5).

• Part  the  back  part  of  the  hair  horizontally  into  three: 

secure the upper layers with pegs (Fig.6).

• Begin cutting the lower layer, using the comb to mark the 

length  of  hair,  cutting  with  the  scissors  or  the  clipper, 
below the comb in all cases.

• When this layer is cut, repeat the process with the other 


• To cut the front, part the hair in the usual place and repeat 

the operation described for the back. The hair must be 
well combed at all times.

• Dampen the fringe and make a horizontal parting on the top of the head to 

define the area to be cut.

• Comb the fringe downwards and separate it horizontally into 2 or 3 layers.
• Secure the upper layer or layers with pegs.
• Comb the bottom layer and hold it down with the fingers, leaving the length 

to be cut below your fingers.

• Cut the excess with the scissors, below the fingers at all times. Repeat the 

process with the other layers.

• Fit the required guide into the cutter. We suggest that you begin with the 

longest and change to shorter guides if you require.

• Start below the chin, moving upward and outward.
• Comb the moustache downward and cut with the scissors.


Fig. 5

Fig. 6

To clean



• Make sure that the cutter is switched off and unplugged before cleaning.
• Clean the outside with a dry cloth.
• Use the brush included to clean the guides and blades.
• Should the cutter block, start it and move the lever a couple of times from 

the top to the bottom setting.

• If still blocked, loosen the screws in the back of the blades and clean the 


• Follow the procedure in the section on MAINTENANCE to refit and realign 

the blades.

• Remember to place a few drops of oil on the blades after each use.

• Your clippers were carefully examined to ensure 

that  the  blades  were  oiled  and  aligned  before 
leaving our factory.

• Blades  must  be  realigned  if  they  have  been 

removed for cleaning or replacement.

• To  realign  the  blades,  simply  match  the  upper 

and bottom blades teeth up, point for point. (End 
of  top  blade  teeth  should  be  approximately 
1.2mm back from bottom blade. Compare your 
clipper blades with the sketch.)

• If blade alignment is incorrect, add a few drops of 

oil  to  the  blades,  turn  clipper  on  for  a  few 
moments,  turn  off  and  unplug.  Loosen  screws 
slightly and adjust. Tighten screws after blade is 

• To maintain your clipper in peak condition, the 

blades should be oiled every few haircuts.

• Do  not  use  hair  oil,  grease,  oil  mixed  with 

kerosene  or  any  solvent.  As  the  solvent  will 
evaporate and leave the thick oil which may slow 
down the blades motion.

Rated Voltage: AC 230V
Rated Frequency: 50Hz

Summary of Contents for VS-929

Page 1: ...VS 929 HAIR CLIPPER ÌÀØÈÍÊÀ ÄËß ÑÒÐÈÆÊÈ ÂÎËÎÑ NOUS VIVONS SAIN We live healthy www vitessehome com Vitesse France S A R L 91 rue du Faubourg Saint Honore 75008 Paris France ...

Page 2: ...tly aligned Do not use with a damaged or broken comb or if the blades lack teeth Do not place appliance on any surface while it is operating To operate properly the blades must be clean and free of remains of hair Clean them before and after each use with the brush included and grease them with a few drops of oil Keep out of the reach of children Keep the cord away from heated surfaces Do not subm...

Page 3: ...Blade lever Hair should be DRY when using this cutter this enables you to control better the length cut Make SHORTSTROKES Do not finish a whole side in a single stroke Remember to comb the hair frequently as it is cut For an EVEN cut allow the cutter to MOVE GENTLY FORWARD through the hair Do not try to force it It is better to cut too little than too much Always start with the attachment comb 4 E...

Page 4: ...suggest that you begin with the longest and change to shorter guides if you require Start below the chin moving upward and outward Comb the moustache downward and cut with the scissors 1 2mm Fig 5 Fig 6 To clean Maintenance SPECIFICATIONS Make sure that the cutter is switched off and unplugged before cleaning Clean the outside with a dry cloth Use the brush included to clean the guides and blades ...

Page 5: ...ðàçìåùàéòå è íå õðàíèòå ïðèáîð â íåïîñðåäñòâåííîé áëèçîñòè îò âîäû Íå ïîëüçóéòåñü ìàøèíêîé â âàííîé è ïîä äóøåì Íå ñëåäóåò îñòàâëÿòü âêëþ åííûé ïðèáîð áåç ïðèñìîòðà Ïåðèîäè åñêè ïðîâåðÿéòå íå ïîâðåæäåí ëè øíóð ïèòàíèÿ Åñëè îáíàðóæåíû êàêèå ëèáî ïîâðåæäåíèÿ îáðàòèòåñü â ãàðàíòèéíóþ ìàñòåðñêóþ Ïåðåä ïðèìåíåíèåì óáåäèòåñü òî íàñàäêè ïðàâèëüíî óñòàíîâëåíû Íå èñïîëüçóéòå ïðèáîð ñ ïîâðåæäåííîé èëè ñëîìà...

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