The factory default mode of operation is the "meg-ohm" mode. To select either the "IR-MIL" or "IR-LN" mode, choose the meg
option at the systems configuration prompt. Use the right/left arrows to move the cursor to the desired mode and press enter.
Menu Key Options
Pressing the menu key while in the clock mode brings up the following display:
Printer Line Termination
The “PRINT” option allows one to select the line termination for the parallel printer port. The default mode is CR + LF, which
works best with most parallel printers. Other options include - CR alone and LF alone.
Safety Interlock Jack
The “SIJ” selection provides for the set up of the optional safety interlock jack SIJ-1 which can be used to monitor the status of
external palm switches or safety enclosure switches. Choices include: “OFF” (when SIJ-1 is not in use or not fitted),
“MONITOR” for applications where the jack is looking for a closed circuit and will abort testing if an open circuit occurs, “RUN”
mode - where the presence of a short circuit initiates the testing (once test begins an open will abort the test as in “Monitor” mode)
and finally, “STEP” mode - which uses the short circuit to initiate testing then pauses and prompts the operator to interrupt the
short circuit condition (allowing the operator to select a new DUT test point if desired), the 944i will automatically begin the next
step of the test upon circuit closure.
Front Panel Lockout
The “LOCK” option allows one to lockout all front panel keys with the exception of the “Recall” key. When in the locked mode,
operators can recall and execute tests stored in the test database only. To unlock the front panel, press “Recall” and then enter the
edit password:
"TEST (test button), 1, 2, 3"
Pass/Fail Counters
The 944i is equipped with four built-in digital pass/fail test counters (VAC, VDC, Meg-ohm and low ohm). Each time an
automatic test is run the resulting status increments the corresponding counter for that function. To read the counters, select the
count option and desired counter. To read another counter directly from viewing and existing counter simply press “CLR” then
select the desired counter. To reset or zero out all the counters select the “RST” option from the count menu.
Option IF-4 Remote Interface Card
Remote operation of the 944i is possible only if the unit has the optional interface card. The IF-4 remote interface card provides
four different interface ports for control and communication with the Vitrek 944i. The interface protocols provided by the IF-4
are: IEEE-488.2 (GPIB), RS232-C, Parallel printer port, and VICL (Vitrek Instrument Control Loop).