If the shipping carton is damaged, request that the carrier's agent be present when the instrument is unpacked. If the instrument
appears damaged, notify the carrier's agent for repair authorization before returning the instrument to Vitrek.
It is also necessary to notify Vitrek and receive a RETURN MATERIALS AUTHORIZATION number before returning the
Even if the instrument appears undamaged, it may have suffered internal damage in transit that may not be evident until operated
or tested to verify performance. If the instrument fails to operate, notify the carrier's agent and Vitrek or your local Vitrek Service
Center. Retain the shipping carton for the carrier's inspection.
Initial Adjustments
The only adjustments required prior to operation of the 944i are selection of the local power source voltage and verification that
the correct fuse for this voltage is fitted. The supply voltages and fuses are listed below:
105 to 128VAC 50/60Hz
5 Amp slow blow fuse
210 to 256 VAC 50/60Hz
2.5 or 3 Amp slow blow fuse
Unless specifically requested, all units shipped to North American locations are factory set for 115VAC. Check the rear panel
mounted selector switch to ensure that the proper line voltage is selected prior to applying power to the 944i.