Copyright © 2004-2005, Vivato, Inc.
Configuring Static WEP Security on a Client
Wired Equivalent Privacy
(WEP) encrypts data moving across a wireless network based on a static
(non-changing) key. The encryption algorithm is a "stream" cipher called RC4. The AP/Bridge uses a key
to transmit data to the client stations. Each client must use that same key to decrypt data it receives from
the AP/Bridge. Different clients can use different keys to transmit data to the AP/Bridge. (Or they can all
use the same key, but this is less secure because it means one station can decrypt the data being sent by
If you configured the Vivato Wi-Fi AP/Bridge to use Static WEP security mode . . .
. . . then configure WEP security on each client as follows.
Choose WEP as the
Data Encryption mode
Enter a network key that matches
the WEP key on the AP/Bridge
Choose Open or Shared
in the position set to the transfer key index
(and re-type to confirm)
Optionally set a different transfer key index
to send data from client back to AP/Bridge
Disable auto key option