ViVOpay Kiosk II User Guide
ViVOtech Proprietary
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2. Attach the other end of the cable (220-2457-00) from the antenna to the ViVOpay Kiosk II
Verify that the polarizing lug on the end of the data cable is facing towards the
top of the ViVOpay Kiosk II Controller (away from the mounting plate) before inserting
the cable. If the cable is installed incorrectly (upside-down), it will apply the wrong
polarity to the LEDs and damage them.
2.5 Connecting to Power
The KIOSK II can be powered through the serial communications port or the two-socket power
connector. If you are using USB data communications, you must power the KIOSK II though the two-
socket power connector.
C7.5 to 36VDC to the white two-socket Molex connector (mating connector Molex P/N
0039012020 with 5556-series crimps) or to pins 1 and 2 of the RS-232 connector (see next section).
Pin 1 - +7.5v to 36VDC
Pin 2 - Ground