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Issue: Compressor inoperable.
Solution 1: Check all switches to make sure they are ON.
Solution 2: Check the fuse; if blown, disconnect compressor from power and replace the fuse.
Solution 3: Allow compressor to cool off for 30-60 minutes.
Solution 4: Check pressure switch, replace if damaged or inoperable.
Issue: Air horn is inaudible
Solution 1: Check all switches to make sure they are ON.
Solution 2: Assure air tank is pressurized.
Solution 3: Check the fuse; if blown, disconnect compressor from power and replace the fuse.
Solution 4: Examine electrical connection for damage or corrosion, secure electrical connections.
Issue: Excessive moisture in horn.
Solution 1: Depressurize and drain the tank.
Solution 2: Relocate the on-board air system to a drier location.
Issue: Continual cutting-off of Thermal overload protection.
Solution 1: Relocate the on-board air system to a drier, cooler location.
Solution 2: Replace the compressor.
Issue: Excessive vibration or noise
Solution 1: Tighten system components.
Solution 2: Replace the compressor.
Issue: Loss of pressure of tank when compressor is shut off.
Solution 1: Tighten drain cock.
Solution 2: Use soap and water solution on air connections, and tighten connections or repair leaks where needed.
Issue: Compressor runs continuously and has low air flow.
Solution 1: Decrease the frequency of use.
Solution 2: Use soap and water solution on air connections, and tighten connections or repair leaks where needed.
Solution 3: Clean or replace the air filter element if it is clogged.
Solution 4: Replace compressor.