Replacing Components
Eccellenza Pod
Fill the replacement dispensers with their respective powders. Never pack the
powders into the dispensers as this causes inconsistent gram throws, and in
some cases, can cause a dispenser to jam.
When installing the powder dispensers, they must be properly engaged with the
coupling on the motor (A) and the detection switch (B). If this is not done correctly,
the machine displays a message asking you to install the powder 1 and/or the
powder 2 dispenser(s).
Once installed, rotate the spout caps to unblock each of the dispenser spouts.
NOTE: To reduce the risk of powder ‘bearding’ or clogging of the
dispenser spouts, make sure the spouts are completely turned down
(as illustrated above). A retainer on the upper vacuum duct plate will
stop the spouts when they are in their proper position.
When the machine is put back into service, a powder rinse cycle will be required to
flush any powder that may have fallen into the whipper bowl.