VMAC - Vehicle Mounted Air Compressors
VMAC Technical Support: 888-241-2289
VMAC Knowledge Base: www.kb.vmacair.com
Final Testing
Ensure the following has been completed:
Operate the system with an air tool (or the VMAC Air Test Tool with the
appropriate orifice installed) for at least 1/2 hour (1 hour preferred).
Road test the vehicle for approximately 14 miles (20 km).
Observe the compressor while it is operating to ensure the belts rotate
properly, pulleys rotate smoothly, and nothing is rubbing or contacting hot
Check all components, connections and fasteners once the engine is turned off
and the system has cooled.
Check the coolant level after the engine has been operated.
Check the compressor oil level after the engine has been shut down and the oil
level has had time to stabilize.
Check the hydraulic fluid level after the system has been shut down.