When its hand is in the red band, light 16 starts glowing, indicating that the vehicle
should be fuelled as soon as possible.
NOTE: See item “Fuel Tank Capacity”.
To activate the fuel indicator, it is necessary to set the starting switch in
position 2.
25 - Engine Water Temperature Warning Light
When this light starts glowing during a normal operation, it indicates
that the engine is overheated.
IMPORTANT: If this happens, do not stop the engine immediately; let it
operate with lower rotations within a few minutes until the temperature becomes
NOTE: When the starting switch is set in position 2, the lamp continues
glowing during approximately 10 seconds and then it should stop glowing right
26 - Engine Temperature Indicator
The Engine Temperature Indicator records temperature of
the water in the motor cooling system. Besides the low
cool and very hot indications, it has a red band to indicate
excessive temperature.
In normal operating conditions, the hand should be in the centre of the
IMPORTANT: When the hand approaches the red band, stop you engine
and inspect the cooling system
When your engine is overheated, do not fill the expansion reservoir with cool
water until the temperature returns to the normal level. After it, fill it with the
engine operating at low rotations. Non-observance of this recommendation may
stick the unit or cover plate.
27 - Modular Tachometer
This device provides the prospect of the vehicle speed in relation to time; this
information may be seen on its diagram board in this version.
NOTE: To get more information, consult this product manual,
accompanying the vehicle.