In Case of Emergency
Running Aground
Striking an Underwater Object
The sudden stop from striking an underwater object or
running aground can cause injury to the boat’s occu-
pants, who could be thrown about the boat during the
stop. Whenever the boat is underway the boat’s oper-
ator should take precautions to avoid these situations
and should encourage all occupants to be seated or
otherwise prepared for a sudden stop.
Operate at reduced speeds when in or near shallow
water, or in areas where underwater objects are known
to exist.
Striking an underwater object or running aground could
result in the loss of steering and shift control and water
entering the boat. All of these situations could place
the boat’s occupants at risk. Consider all of these fac-
tors when formulating plans to address the impact
The captain of the boat is responsible for determining
which actions should be taken after an impact or
grounding. The safety of the boat’s occupants should
be a high priority. The circumstances of the impact
including the speed, any injuries or any damage done,
should be factored into the course of action taken to
protect the occupants and then minimize any further
damage to the boat.
If there are problems at any of the following steps, call
for assistance to move the boat to a location where it
can be removed from the water for inspection. Oper-
ating with damaged equipment, especially at speed,
could worsen the damage. Steering and control could
also be affected.
1 Throttle back to idle, if possible maneuver to a safe
place, out of high traffic areas.
2 Place the shift mechanism in neutral.
3 Check the engine compartment for water leaking
around the transom shield. If water is seen, assess
the amount of water entering the boat, determine
whether emergency actions are needed, proceed
4 If no emergency action is needed, check for dam-
age to the boat, drive or propellers. Visually inspect
the exterior of the shield and drive for broken or
damaged components. Check for damaged propel-
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