Engine Oil Capacity
Overfilling the oil can cause engine damage.
Always use the dipstick to check the oil level whenever
refilling or topping up the oil.
V6 – 6.0 U.S. Quarts (5.7L)
V8 – 9.0 U.S. Quarts (8.5L)
Capacity includes oil filter change.
Always change the filter when the oil is changed.
Fuel System
Octane Requirements
Use unleaded gasoline with the following minimum
octane rating:
In the U.S.: (R+M)/2 (AKI) - 87
Outside the U.S.: (RON) - 90
Engine damage resulting from the use of
lower octane gasoline (below 87 AKI or 90 RON) is
considered misuse of the engine and is not covered by
the warranty.
All Volvo Penta gasoline engines are engineered to
operate on AKI 87 (RON 90) octane fuel. Mid-grade
and premium fuels contain injector cleaners and other
additives that protect the fuel system and provide
improved performance. EFI engines may obtain an
increase in power from higher octane fuels.
Leaded gasoline may be available in some
markets. Leaded gasoline will damage the catalysts
and can not be used in engines with catalytic convert-
ers. Catalyst failure due to improper fuel is not covered
by the warranty.
Ethanol-Blended Gasoline
Volvo Penta engines are designed to operate on the
commercially available fuel approved by the legislation
and governmental agencies of all countries where the
engines are marketed and sold.
Volvo Penta gasoline engines are designed to operate
on fuel blends which have a higher percentage of gas-
oline than ethanol. Examples are E10 (10% ethanol)
and E25. The engines should not be operated on
blends with more ethanol than gasoline.
Technical Data
47706354 08-2015 © AB VOLVO PENTA