A humidifier is quite useful in supplying necessary moisture to dry air. It should be
used with proper care to prevent overhumidification.
A good rule of thumb would be to gauge the condensation or frost on
windows. Adjust your humidifier to a point where this condition is at a
minimum. These adjustments should be made when major changes in
outdoor temperatures occur.
Humidifiers can be placed in any living area that has a convenient location and
provides distribution of the moist air to the living area. The measured output of a
humidifier is based upon continuous operation at standard rating conditions. With
normal variations of indoor and outdoor conditions, the humidistat-controlled
humidifier will not run continuously at maximum output unless the controls are set to
do so.
When initially installed or when placed in operation at the beginning of each season,
the humidifier equipped with a humidistat may run constantly for a day or so and,
thus, evaporate large quantities of moisture. When the home and its furnishings
have absorbed moisture and become stabilized at the desired humidity level, the
amount of water used will diminish and the humidifier operation will maintain the
desired humidity level.
Check for Leaks
Damage due to shipping may cause
leaks in Base or Water Tank. A visual
inspection may not reveal hairline
Place humidifier on a water-resistant surface.
Fill Water Tank with water to inspect for leaks.
Pour several cups of water into Base to inspect
for leaks.
Not Leaking?
Empty water from Base and install full Water Tank.
In the slight chance your humidifier has leaks,
contact Consumer Service and we will immediately
replace damaged parts.
Before operating,
reach under the humidifier and lift from the bottom. Lifting the recessed handle on the Water Tank will cause the tank
to detach from the humidifier.
Before use, check appliance for visible damage. DO NOT USE if there is evidence of damage. If any damage is
found, contact Vornado Air, LLC at 1-800-234-0604.