VSU Quick Start
NOS version 3.1
Preconfigure your VSU to enable remote
communications with the VPNmanager.
1. Connect the VSU console cable (provided) to the
serial port of a PC running Hyperterminal or a
dumb terminal. Press return.
2. From the VSU consoles Main Menu select Quick
Setup and press return.
3. Enter the public IP address and netmask assigned
to VSU. If a secondary IP address is to be used,
answer “y” to the prompt and enter secondary IP
address and mask.
Refer to the VPNmanager Administrator’s Guide
Chapter 4 for more information
Refer to the VPNmanager Administrator’s Guide
Chapter 4 for more information
5. Select the desired filtering operation. Refer to
Chapter 3 in the VSU User Guide for details.
6. Change the console password.
4. Enter the default route.