E800 RFID IP Phone - User Manual
The use of Space & Column to separate different part of the name in phone book
In phone book record, the user may use space to separate different part of the name.
For example:
Lee Tai Ming H (which represent phone number of Lee Tai Ming's home)
Jacky Chan Off (which represent phone number of Jacky Chan's office)
Alan Greenspan M (which represent phone number of Alan Greenspan's Mobile)
Colon can also be used to separate different part of the name in phone book record, but
the search engine will not search the letters behind colon, in the other word, search
engine cannot see the letter behind column.
For example:
Lee Tai Ming:H (which represent phone number of Lee Tai Ming's home), search
engine will recognize this record as Lee Tai Ming. The search engine cannot search
this record with search key “L#T#M#H”.
Jacky Chan:Off (which represent phone number of Jacky Chan's office), search
engine will recognize this record as Jacky Chan. The search engine cannot search
this record with search key “J#C#O”.
Alan Greenspan:M (which represent phone number of Alan Greenspan's Mobile),
search engine will recognize this record as Alan Greenspan. The search engine
cannot search this record with search key “A#G#M”.
1. The number of searching results are displayed on the right corner of LCD Display.
2. When searching with the first few digits of the phone number as a search key, if the
number is an outside party phone number, Default Trunk Access Code must be add
as the first digit of the keyword.
3. Default value of Default Trunk Access Code is “9”.
4. When the user uses name or letter as the search key to search the phone book, Name
Searching Method should be selected.
5. When the user uses number as the search key to search the phone book, Number
Searching Method should be selected.
6. Name Searching Method is the default search method.
7. The extension should be allowed to use this feature in System Programming.
The user search the record of the called party in the Phone Book of the system to make a