Area - Dragon’s Castle Showdown
Shrek and Donkey must find Dragon, but first a challenge
must be solved. The giant chessboard in the castle is
missing pieces. Find the pieces and place them in the
correct positions on the board in order to proceed further
into the castle.
Curriculum: Logic, games, and spelling
Easy Level: Fewer missing pieces, floor moves slower
Difficult Level: Difficult Level: More missing pieces, floor moves faster
Mini Game - Cure the Dragon
Dragon keeps sneezing fireballs! In each round, there
are 4 word “fireballs” from Dragon. You need to find the
one that doesn’t belong (based on parts of speech). For
example, in the four words “car”, “catch”, “clock” and “cat”,
only the word “catch” is a verb. Throw a potion at the
correct word and all 4 fireballs will be knocked away.
Curriculum: Parts of Speech
Easy Level: Shorter, easier words
Difficult Level: Longer, harder words
Learning Zone
LZ1 - Magic Potion Mixer
Game Play
Help Shrek to pick the correct fraction of potions on the
conveyor belts. Be quick, because sometimes Gingy gets
in the way and knocks down the correct potion before
you can get to it.
Curriculum: Fractions
Easy Level: Only one moving conveyor belt
Difficult Level: Three moving conveyor belt; Gingy sometimes gets in the way