Appendix B. Specifications
Hs 000 System Administrator’s Handbook
Single BRI
Supports ISDN with the following line rates:
single port 56 Kbps
single port 64 Kbps
dual port 56 (2 x 56 Kbps)
dual port 64 (2 x 64 Kbps)
Quad BRI
Requires the HighSpeed 512 option. Quad BRI supports all Single BRI
line rates, as well as IMUX line rates up to 512 (with the use of bonding
mode 1).
(ISDN with 4 BRI ports: 8 channels x 64 Kbps = 512)
Clock synchronization
All internal communications operations are synchronized.
The HS 2000 system requires exact multiples of 56 and 64 Kbits in
externally-provided network clocks. An external IMUX that uses
proprietary bonding protocols must provide full bandwidth to the
HS 2000 system in order for the system to operate correctly. Protocols
that reduce the bandwidth to the HS 2000 system will cause the system to
not operate.