The WRAP 1200DX is equipped with removable stereo earphones. Small, medium
and large noise-isolation rings are included.
Press the plus (+) or minus (-) button on the Controller to adjust the volume.
Do not put the earphones into your ears until the audio volume has been set to
a moderate and safe level.
Focal Adjustment
The focus of each eye’s display can be adjusted independently from approximately
+2 to -4 diopters. If this adjustment is insufficient, the eyewear can be worn over
many styles of prescription eyeglasses.
Close one eye and slide the adjuster above your open eye to achieve the
sharpest focus.
Repeat the process, closing the opposite eye.
Eye Separation Adjustment
This distance between your eyes, InterPupillary Distance (IPD), varies from one
person to the next. If your eyes are not correctly aligned with the displays, the image
may appear dark or disappear entirely. An IPD adjustment enables you to align
each display with its respective eye.
Each display adjusts independently by sliding it left or right.
Close one eye and slide the display box for the other eye left or right to provide
the clearest and brightest image.
Repeat the process to adjust the other display.
If an alternate audio
system is used, volume
controlled through that
system’s controls.