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Control of proportional valves by preprogrammed values and
ramp times (197)
4.5.1 Typical system structure
This minimal system consists of the following components:
proportional valve
hydraulic cylinder
power amplifier
interface to PLC with three digital input signals to select eight demand values
4.5.2 Method of operation
This power amplifier is controlled by 3 digital signals (e. g. from the SPS/PLC). An ENABLE signal (typically
24 V) activates the module and the READY output indicates this, if no internal or external error was detected.
The integrated standard functions will be configured via different parameters.
In case of a fault, the power output stage will be deactivated and the fault will be indicated through a deac-
tivated READY output and a flashing READY LED. To leave the error state the ENABLE has to be reset.
The output current is closed loop controlled whereby a high accuracy and a good dynamic will be obtained. All
custom proportional valves (up to 2,6A) may be controlled with this power amplifier.