OnSide Warnings, Cautions and Operating Guidelines
3.1 If Tools and Supplies are Specifi ed in This Manual
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Information contained in this publication was in e
ect at the time the publication was approved for printing
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4 OnSide Warnings, Cautions and Operating Guidelines
4.1 Driver-Related Information
The OnSide Blind Spot Detection (BSD) system is merely a driver’s assist tool and does not engage in
all driving situations or tra
c, weather or road conditions. The driver always bears ultimate responsibility
for ensuring that the vehicle is driven safely and that applicable laws and road tra
c regulations are
followed. Failure to do so can result in serious personal injury or death and/or severe property damage.
The driver is responsible for understanding the operation and limitations of the OnSide BSD system
before operating the vehicle. Failure to do so can result in serious personal injury or death and/or severe
property damage. Please refer to the OnSide Blind Spot Detection (BSD) Driver’s Tips available at
www.wabco-na.com/literature for additional information on the correct operation and understanding of
the situations in which the system may not provide assistance.
The OnSide Blind Spot Detection (BSD) system was designed, manufactured and installed as an
operator assistant. This system is not intended to replace good attentive driving behaviors and practices
which may change based upon tra
c and road conditions. Use of OnSide cannot compensate for a
driver that is tired, distracted, inattentive or impaired by fatigue, drugs or alcohol. As always, it is the
driver’s responsibility to:
Use safe driving techniques.
Exercise proper judgement for the tra
c, road and weather conditions.
Maintain a safe distance between vehicles and respect speed limits.
React to road conditions to maintain control of the vehicle.
Failure to do so can result in serious personal injury or death and/or severe property damage.